Saturday 21 January 2012

Weekend Eventz Schedule!

It’s the weekend Woozens! (Woohoo!!!)
Time to find out all the fun things going on in Woozworld that you won’t want to miss!
There’s three major eventz happening so read carefully to get all the info!!

Jenny’s Bookz Club

To all you bookz fanz out there this eventz is especially for you!
Jenny’s back with more bookz and to celebrate she’s hosting a special weekend edition of her beloved Bookz Club!
Listen to a reading from the 5 featured bookz in The Cabinet of Earths Houseon the Featured Tab of the Woozworld Navigator!
Pay attention because at the end of each bookz you’ll have a chance to win someMystery Gifts by answering trivia questions!!
Saturday at 11:00 AM WoozTime
Sunday at 3:00 PM WoozTime
Get ready for another wonderful year of reading with Jenny and dive in to our first of many more bookz clubs!

Arctic Fest Snowflakz Parties

Are you dying to be the next Arctic King or Queen? Do you need some help finding and catchingsnowflakz? Say no more!
This weekend Mya’s helping you earn points by visiting your Arctic Fest Partiesand bringing lots of snowflakz for everyone there!
Make sure you have a FREE Arctic Hat, an official Arctic Fest Outfit, or an Arctic Penguin so that you can clear the snowflakz from your unitz!
Bonus! If you have some Ice Sculpturz to show off you’ll get a special prize when Mya visits!
To show Mya your party, go to your unitz and open Edit Mode, then click on theCalendar to create a Display Eventz.
Saturday at 4:00 PM WoozTime
Sunday at 11:00 AM WoozTime
Don’t forget to have fun while you freeze!

Woozband Winter Street Sale

Some of our inventories are getting a little full and heavy to carry around with us… so we figured it’s a good time for another Street Sale!
If you haven’t been to one before, here’s how it works:
Throughout the weekend, Jay, Mya, Jenny, and Max will fill their Street Sale unitz with clothing and furniture items from their inventories. (Hint: Keep an eye out for a pop-up message at the bottom right hand corner of your screen!)
If you get there early enough you might snatch up a really good deal for a signature or exclusiveitem! You never know what you’ll find at a Street Sale
Search StylaZ to get to her Street Sale unitz that will take you to each of the Woozband sales if you want to check them out early!
The Shop Podz will be re-filled multiple times onSaturday and on Sunday so if you don’t get something the first time, try again later!
Happy shopping and enjoy the weekend!

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