Sunday, 27 May 2012


WOW GUYS LONG  TIME NO SEE! But so much has been happening here in woozworld, and with big exams I haven't been able to update you all! But let's start right from the beginning!

Zack get's his good on!

Zack come back!

Zack reveals he is good!

But as we saw Zack had brought a friend with him, his new wife Zeena and they trapped the woozworld and took over! But with a power AI KAI YA! We beat them down and sent them packing!

But now we are back to normal (Sorta) It's all about...#
Prom is in the air, Woozens!
We hope you have it set on your calendars but if not… Woozworld Prom 2012 will be on June 1st (that’s in two weeks!) and we have SO much prep to do! We will be busy bee’s until then!
You voted for the Prom theme this year and the most voted was Island Lagoon! We’ve been working hard to get everything ready and outfits are available today! Visit the Woozworld Store or check out the Shopz to get your outfits ready!

Prom King and Queen

Have you ever wanted to be the most popular Woozen around? Have you ever wanted to hold a title that no one else could? NOW is your chance… to be PROM KING AND QUEEN!
Starting TODAY you will see Crownz and Tiaraz appear around Woozworld. These Crownz are your ticket to be nominated for Prom King and Queen. Only boys can pick up the Crownz and only girls can pick up the Tiaraz. With every crown you pick up, that’s 1 point added to your total.
On Wednesday May 30th the Crownz will stop and the top 10 boys and top 10 girls will be nominated for Prom King and Queen. Voting will start on Thursday and the winner will be announced at Prom!
Good luck to everyone!

But I won't be running for prom queen or king! But make sure you vote my friend the most famous guy in the (wooz) WORLD! Latinolover and his amazing girlfriend Fireystar for the title!

And Night Night. Good Afternoon, Good evening, Good morning, were ever you are Good bye!


  1. hello, I've been trying to get a response. I have a woozworld Blog too. :) I see yours is soo much more awsome so i was wondering if i can get some tips?

    1. Hi it's me here! For a great successful blog you can do lot's!
      -Look on the blog
      Blog has tons of information and good scoops to add to your blog from the woozarazzi.
      - Interviews
      This is a new technique I want to start, interview fans ect...
      -Be yourself
      Be cool and casual on the blog just write cool stuff about woozworld make it informative!
      Leave a link for your blog I would love to check it out!
      From LilEmsy4
      P.S - Good luck on your blog!

    2. Also , how do you do the advertisment where you click it and it takes you to woozworld? i have been trying to do that for ages. x) sorry if it seems that i'm trying to copy you. i'm not :)

  2. Thank you. You are so nice! I'll be sure to recommend you. And accually i did interview someone once. He was soemone who gave away free job spellz to help others earn money. Also thank you soo much.

    P.s My blog is
    P.P.s I'm going update my blog soon. remind me to recomend you in my next update. xPP

  3. What you do is find an advert or create one you can use many programs
    just basically put pictures together and save it to your PC!
    After that just go to Layout
    And click Add Tab and click add picture, it should have add link but I will make a video for you soon!
    And for a rookie to blogs you blog is AMAZING! Very good and informative!

  4. Thanks. I try to follow the example you set without copying you. Your awsome .-.
